About Aureleo Rosano – Mosaic and Sculptor Artist

Born May 29, 1939 in New Britain, Connecticut to Sicilian parents. Emphasis in schooling on sciences and mathematics. Self-taught in the visual arts. In 1960, left New England for the sunshine and new frontier of Tucson, Arizona where I now live. In Arizona, I worked as a dishwasher, house painter, copper miner, apartment owner-manager, and test engineering officer at Hughes Aircraft. I became a steamfitter in 1973 after completing 5-yr apprenticeship. In 1976, founded a control systems company, in competition with Johnson Control and Honeywell. Interest in mosaics and sculpture began in childhood and continues to the present.
Artist Interview:
Artist Statement:
My ideas come to me in the form of mosaics, metal sculptures, writings, food, and music. I work primarily in metal sculpture and Italian or stained glass mosaics. The main goal in my “arts” is to inspire the viewer to stop, look, and think about a common, ordinary idea in an uncommon way. My work is always concerned with strength and permanence. The best of metals, glass and other materials combined into mosaics and sculptural foms, will endure for generations.
– Aureleo “Leo” Rosano